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About the App

Spotify is the world's most popular audio streaming subscription service. With over 489 million monthly listeners, the platform allows people to not only listen to their favourite artists, but discover new music and podcasts from around the world.

How it Integrates with Capryce

The integration between Spotify and Capryce allows users to gain a deeper understanding of how their listening habits impact their daily routine. For example, does listening to Taylor Swift generally improve your overall mood? Does putting on a podcast during your morning commute tend to set you up for a more productive day? People's daily listening habits can provide us with valuable data in terms of what is likely to result in them having a better-quality day.


Age: 42


Works from home 2 days a week when the weather is over 40 or under 15 with more than 12mm of rain saving 18 minutes each way to work

Commutes 43 mins on average to work

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